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Unleashed (#3 Deathwind Trilogy)


  Book Three of the Deathwind Trilogy


  Holly A. Hook


  Holly A. Hook



  Copyright 2015 Holly A. Hook

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Also by Holly Hook

  Twisted (#1 Deathwind Trilogy)

  Torn (#2 Deathwind Trilogy)

  *Destroyers Series*

  Tempest (Destroyers, Book One), Inferno (Destroyers, Book Two), Outbreak (Destroyers, Book Three), Frostbite (Destroyers, Book Four) and

  Ancient (Destroyers, Book Five)

  2:20 (#1 Timeless Trilogy)

  11:39 (#2 Timeless Trilogy)

  Chapter One


  I can't believe you did it.

  My Tommy.


  The words spin through me. Torment me. They haven't let up since Mom and Dad found us outside the high school only minutes ago. They don't weaken at all during the ride to the police station, especially since I'm sitting right next to Tommy. He won't face me. Instead, he trains his attention to the night like he's ashamed. Mom drives the car. My father rests his head against the window like he's been awake for three days straight. Which, now that I think of it, he probably has.

  Dad's got to know what Madeline wanted to do to me. What she did do to me. That doesn't allow for good quality sleep. He must feel like he let me down, that he failed to protect his family. The guilt is pulling him into the earth. I want to wrap him in a hug and help him climb out, to tell him that I’m going to make everything okay.

  And Tommy...

  I can't believe it.

  He stood there and let Laurie turn him into an old Outbreaker when he could have climbed out the classroom window. He even walked up to her and let her do it. Why? He knows we’re not a couple anymore. I broke up with him to keep him safe from the horrible world that’s become my life. It's not a secret to him that Dorian and I have a telepathic connection that neither of us can control.

  Why. I hold down a snort. It's a stupid question. Of course I know the reason he let Laurie turn him.


  Tommy still loves me and he still has the hope that we can be more than friends. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have done this.


  The car rolls over a speed bump. We're close to the police station. No one speaks.

  Does Tommy even realize what he threw away? I’d give anything to be human again, to not have to worry about turning into a deadly force of nature every time it storms. Now Tommy will experience the same. He won’t be able to handle it.

  Heck, none of us can. I can't. Dad can't. Even Dorian, who was born an Outbreaker, can't.

  My Tommy.

  He sighs, but no words come. I stare at the back of his head. It's like we're all too exhausted to speak, like our reunion at the high school drained us all almost to the point of death. It shouldn't have. It was the happiest moment I've had in months.

  I have my father back, safe from Madeline at last. We're all safe. From her, at least.

  Of course, there's no such thing as safe for me anymore. Or for Dorian, either. He's riding with Eliza behind us. Even though we're in separate cars, I can sense his presence. I can tell from his calm, confident mood that they've still got Uncle Cassius in the backseat of Eliza's car, hands bound. We can't trust him, even if he did try to stop Madeline's latest plan.

  I’m not sure if I can ever forgive him. Not after he betrayed me so many times.

  Dorian? I think.

  His voice pops into my head, clear as ever. The drugs Madeline and Laurie forced me to breathe have worn off now. Our full connection is restored and I've never been happier to have it back. I’m here. And yeah, your uncle’s still tied up. He’s not totally awake yet. Otherwise he might have broken out of his ropes.

  I’m not sure how I feel about turning him in to the police. My mother hasn’t said a word about it, either. He’s her brother, but he also helped to kidnap me once. I’m not sure she’ll ever speak to him again for that.

  Mom stares right ahead and pulls into the police station. She stays quiet. That’s not like her at all. She hasn't dealt with any of this well, not since she learned that I'd become an Outbreaker and that Dad had, too.

  But at least she’s calm now. Maybe it’s because Dad’s back. I hope.

  Then she stops the car. She gets out. Waits for Eliza to pull up beside us in her gray hybrid. Dorian’s in the back and Uncle Cassius sits propped up, facing the ceiling. My uncle lifts his head and glances at Mom, then flops back down again. He knows what’s coming. Mom’s had a confrontation with him before and it wasn’t pretty--and that was over the phone. This time, it’s going to be a lot worse.

  “Allie,” Dad says. His voice is very long and tired. “You and the other kids take Tommy into the police station. They need to call his parents and tell them he's safe. This is going to be ugly out here.”

  I can feel the air thickening with tension. Mom and Dad are going to confront Uncle Cassius about everything. About helping to kidnap Dad. About siding with Madeline. About my kidnapping earlier this summer. I get out of the car without a word. I’m…relieved. I’m not the one who has to do the ugly work this time. All I have to do is tell the cops that we found Tommy and his parents can pick him up. I have the easy job.

  For now.

  I’m trying not to think about--

  “We’ll come in with you,” Dorian says, showing up at my side. He slides his hand into mine and I squeeze. But then Tommy climbs out of the car, too. He blinks. Staggers, like he hasn’t gotten his legs back yet.

  He didn’t have to let himself get turned.

  He knows I never wanted that. It's the last thing I ever wished for, other than his death.

  Tommy's just ruined his life and I don't know if there's ever going to be a way to fix it.

  I don’t know what to say to him. Hey, Tommy. It’s okay. You’ll only pass out, leave your body, and rip across the land as a tornado once in a while. Well, I think that’s what happens with old Outbreakers. Us new ones have to actually transform. I’m sure Dorian will fill you in on how it feels.

  No. I am not the person for that conversation. I can remember all too well the great job I did calming my mother down right after Dad’s first transformation.

  Allie, I’ll help you with that. Dorian looks at me from the corner of his eye. He’s serious. Questioning.

  He still doesn’t know that it was his mother who turned Tommy in an effort to keep Dorian and I apart. The reason I had to break up with Tommy in the first place was that he was human and I was a danger to him.

  I keep a mental wall up to keep those thoughts away from Dorian. Do I tell him? I know I should, but it’s going to kill him to find out the truth.

  But I can’t go back to Tommy. I’m with Dorian. Us making out in the cabin made that official and I don’t want
our connection to get severed.

  Eliza catches up with us and the four of us walk towards the police station like we’re arriving at a funeral. Tommy looks at the ground as he walks. I’m dreading getting into the light of the station. Not because I’m afraid of dealing with police, but because I know what I’m going to see when it happens.

  Tommy’s eyes will have turned brown, flecked with black. It’s the sign of an old Outbreaker. They’ll look just like Dorian’s. The same blue they’ve been ever since Tommy and I met on that kindergarten field trip will be gone.

  They'll never be normal again unless I can find a way to cure him. To cure us all.

  “Ladies first,” Dorian says, holding the door open for us. He grins. I know he’s trying to clear the pressure. I can feel my parents’ gazes on my back. They’re waiting for us to be inside before the fireworks start. I glance. They’re standing at the hood of Eliza’s car. Mom’s drumming her fingers on it. The dark figure of Uncle Cassius sits up in the backseat, waiting.

  A huge part of me is glad that he’s going to get it.

  But he did try to warn me about Madeline’s real plan…

  I duck into the front lobby of the police station. Eliza’s already inside, digging her feet into the carpet. The receptionist is on the phone, talking loud enough for all of us to hear. “Okay. I’ll pass that on. No one is to enter the high school grounds until tomorrow morning due to debris. Got it.”

  Eliza flinches, hugs herself, and sits on the bench.

  Crap. That is not what she wants to hear, since Eliza’s the one who had an accidental transformation less than an hour ago and trashed the school even more than it already was. She's retracting farther into herself than usual, trying to escape. I wish I had something to say to make her feel better.

  “Excuse me,” I say to the receptionist. “We have a special delivery. We found Tommy. The missing boy.”

  She jumps and faces me. Her glasses droop down her nose. Bags hang under her eyes. She’s had a very long day dealing with missing people and storm damage.

  “Tommy?” Her face lights up and her mouth falls open.

  “That’s me,” he says, raising one hand and stepping in front of me. They’re his first words since Laurie turned him. “I’m not dead. I guess this is the part where my parents come here and hug me.”

  “Where did you find him?” the receptionist asks, astonished. She looks between me and Dorian, since Eliza is still on the bench reeling.

  “Hey, I can talk, too,” Tommy says.

  Excuse time. What am I supposed to say? That Dorian’s mom turned Tommy by lip-locking with him and my fugitive uncle is also outside and that Madeline made me--


  The words explode in the back of my mind, like someone’s opened a door back there to a world of roaring, wind, and screams. This isn’t Dorian’s voice. This is something more primal, more elemental.

  It’s the Deathwind. Speaking to me.


  Tommy’s saying something, but it’s muffled.

  Let us form…


  Release our energy…


  The air's electric. My hair stands on end. I can feel the Deathwind all around me, roiling and angry. It hides in the cracks of the ceiling, in the walls, in the air. Shadows bubble to life, blocking out the florescent light above. Tommy keeps talking, waving his hands at the receptionist, but I can’t hear him. Eliza faces the floor with her arms folded over her chest. The roar fills my being. I’m its conduit, its gateway into the world.

  “I’ve gotta go.” I dash for the door.

  “Allie…” Dorian reaches for me but misses.

  He has no idea. Tommy’s the only one who knows the truth about me now.

  I burst outside and run from the building. Past the globe lights and onto grass, away from Mom and Dad. Dad’s shouting something at Uncle Cassius. He doesn’t stop. They haven’t noticed me.

  I reach the parking lot of the bank. The roaring stops, leaving silence in my mind. There aren’t any victims nearby for it to go after. The relief is tremendous.

  I halt near the bank Dumpster. Lean against the wall. It’s dark back here except for an ugly orange light that shines on the door. It’s my hope that I don’t get in trouble for hanging back here at night, but it’s better than staying inside the police station and what would have happened in there.

  Is this what Madeline went through for two years?

  “Allie.” Dorian rushes up to me and puts his hand on the Dumpster to steady himself. “Are you okay?”

  Dorian hasn’t picked up the news from my mind yet. Sooner or later, he will. I have to tell him at least part of this right now. If I don’t, it’ll be another betrayal that he’s going to face from someone he loves, another layer of pain that I know about too well.

  I straighten up. “I'm fine. Right now, anyway." I take a deep breath. "Madeline’s not in the picture anymore." Okay. That’s a good way to start.

  “Sure she is,” Dorian says. He leans against the Dumpster. Not romantic, but this isn’t exactly a lovey-dovey moment. I’m about to break something awful to him. “I saw her run away after the Deathwind hit you. She and Kyle both made it out the double doors. I’m pretty sure that the cops didn’t shoot her. I think we all would have heard a gunshot. And besides, she went out the opposite side of the school I heard them coming in on. The police didn’t even search the halls. They were out in the—“

  “Dorian.” He straightens up and I seize his arms. There’s no time to mess around. I’m going bad, for starters. Turning evil, all thanks to the fact that I got suckered into helping destroy Dorian’s old town. I don’t have long to find a way to reverse that. If I go bad and I’ve got control of—“Madeline’s part in all this is done. Sure, she’s still alive, but she’s not who she used to be. She’s gone crazy and now I can see why. There’s no way she can deal with this anymore.”

  Dorian sighs and pulls away like he wants to spit on the pavement, but he doesn’t, which makes me glad. “Well, she has to. If she doesn’t get the Deathwind to turn a hundred more people, it’s going to blow up and kill what, a few thousand more people? At least? We might have to get her some serious help. The professional kind.”

  “No.” I brace myself. “Madeline got rid of the Deathwind. Now I’m the one that has to finish all of this. I’m the Deathwind’s new master.”

  Chapter Two


  Dorian's eyes are big. Disbelieving. Horrified. The black flecks in them deepen in the dull light, turning to black holes of shock and despair.

  “I’m sorry,” I say. I know my taking over the Deathwind's not really my fault, but I can’t help but feel like it is. Like Tommy, I stood there and took my fate, but for a different reason--to seek the cure from the Deathwind to turn him back to normal. “I know I’m taking a huge risk when I'm going bad and all, but me commanding it might be the answer to all of this. Remember how we wanted to get the cure out of Madeline?” I’m talking at a million miles per hour. I have to convince myself and Dorian that I made the right decision. “Maybe I can figure out how to cure all of us. Then I won’t have to worry about turning evil if I'm human, will I? That’s the reason I stood there and let it get me.”

  He hugs me, pulling me so close I can barely breathe. I let my ear fall to his solid chest. His heart’s racing as fast as mine. We’re one in our horror. I can't tell how much fear is mine and how much is Dorian's.

  “ took the Deathwind out of your own free will?"

  Yes, I think. I can't bear to say that out loud.

  "Allie, you’re dealing with enough. With this on top of it, well…”

  I’m afraid it’s going to break you, he finishes.

  His voice rings in my head. I’m so used to it now that I don’t even flinch anymore. Our link’s as strong as ever.

  “There’s one more thing,” I say. “Madeline told me something els

  We separate a bit. Dorian looks down at me, eyebrows rising. His hair hangs in his face. He slides his hands down my bare arms and squeezes my elbows.

  I use the mind speak. I just can’t form the words in my mouth. The Deathwind thinks I’m special. That I’m the most like it, I guess. Madeline says I’ve got the ability to merge with any male old Outbreaker. The next one I merge with will become the other master of the Deathwind. It’ll also form a permanent bond between us.

  Dorian tenses. I feel the memory stirring in him. Dorian leaving his body and turning into a whirling column of death. Me transforming, doing the same. Us coming together, forming one monstrous tornado and finally, sweeping Evansburg off the face of the Earth…

  “Oh, God,” he says, shaking his head. He lets go of me, then takes my arms again.

  I sweep the images out of my head. The piles of rubble. The splintered trees. The poor people, picking through it all to salvage their lives and memories. “I didn’t want to remember that, either.” It’s the first time we’ve shared a memory while awake.

  Dorian pulls me closer to him.

  Kisses me so hard that I can’t breathe. My heart about explodes out of my chest. I press against his muscled chest. I’m on fire. At last we separate, but Dorian keeps his hands right under my shoulder blades. My skin tingles at his touch.

  “Allie, as much as I hate the Deathwind, I’ll deal with it right along with you. This isn’t something you should have to handle alone. You deserve help with this. It’s not fair that Madeline threw this at you.”

  “The Deathwind itself wanted me. To tell you the truth, Madeline didn’t have that much to do with it. It stopped obeying her when she failed to stop it from unleashing.” I can’t help but let some hope rise up in me. I have to. Dorian’s strong. He’s smart. He would be able to handle the Deathwind, to take some of the load off. But right away, I feel guilty for having the thought. Dorian’s also suffering. He’s always been. He hates being what he is. I don’t want to burden him with any more than he’s already gone through.