Blood Magic Read online

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen



  (Abnormals Underground #1)

  By Holly Hook

  Copyright 2017 by Holly Hook


  “Honey, I'm sure the highway is only a couple more miles up this road.” Alyssa's father took a sip of Mountain Dew. The lights from the dashboard shimmered green through the bottle.

  “We've been driving for who knows how long,” her mother said. “Face it, Craig—we're lost. You put more spin on your directional ability than the news.”

  Alyssa had gone to Grandma and Grandpa's new house that day but now it was late. The clock ahead of her said it was past midnight, way past her bedtime. She yawned in the awkward car seat.

  Tall, dark shapes that might be trees rolled past. If she tilted her head, the stars came through. There was no moon.

  “We're in the wilderness, Craig,” her mother said. Was she scared? “At night. You shouldn't have taken that detour. It would have been better to stay in that traffic jam.”

  “The chances of any of them finding us is slim.”

  “I still don't like to take chances. They've been reporting more vampire attacks lately and even some werewolf ones. One woman was drained so much she died before they got her to the hospital. That Russell Fox guy bites as many people as he can."

  Alyssa yawned and her mother faced her.

  “You're awake,” she said. “Alyssa, honey, go back to sleep. We'll be home in an hour."

  She yawned again and started to close her eyes.

  "Good," her mother said. "Now, back to the topic. Are you sure there's no one out here?"

  “There aren't even any other cars.” Then he muttered, under his breath: “This has been a long dr--"


  Her dad slammed the brakes.

  Alyssa lurched forward but the belts of her car seat held her in place.

  Standing in front of the car was a tall man.

  He was a short, pale man in a white T-shirt. He stood still in the headlights, staring in at them.

  And streaks of red filled his eyes, where the normal color was supposed to be. He stood just on the other side of the hood and he was smiling.

  “Back up,” her mother ordered. She locked her door. “Now! That's him!"

  Her father grabbed onto the gearshift just as the door came open.

  A hand—this one belonging to a woman—seized her father's arm and pulled him out of the car so hard his seat belt snapped. He didn't fight back. Her mother screamed as her door came open, too. There were people around the car. They'd come out of the darkness.

  She froze. Another person stood outside her door. Alyssa could only see a bearded chin and a the leather vest of a man. Her mother sat there, watching the figure. Why wasn't she moving?

  Were these the bad guys from TV?

  Alyssa drew closer to her window. Maybe these people weren't bad guys after all. Didn't bad guys have guns they pointed at you? Didn't they wear black masks and laugh evilly?

  But the man opened the door and yanked her mother from the car. He dragged her, screaming and flailing, to the edge of the trees.

  And then he bit her on top of her shoulder.

  Alyssa's heart stopped. Her mother screamed again. A tiny stream of blood ran down towards her chest.

  Alyssa snapped her belt off and climbed out of her car seat. She climbed through the front of the car and outside. “Stop!”

  The bearded man released her mother, who fell against a tree and grabbed her neck. Alyssa beat on the man's legs. She knew that she should run, but she was too angry. Who were these people and why would they want to hurt her parents?

  The man seized the back of her shirt.

  Lifted her up.

  Alyssa could barely breathe. Her shirt cut into her throat. She rose to the man's eye level. He had a pointed beard and the same pale skin as the man in front of the car. Even through it was dark here—almost too dark to see—she could make out the red, jagged lines in his eyes.


  The man shook his head and said something low. "This is the one?"

  “We need to go, Russell,” a woman said.

  Alyssa screamed and closed her eyes.

  He bit.

  The pain was horrendous, exploding where her neck met her shoulder. Alyssa screamed. The man was taking her blood, swallowing it down. The woman shouted something again and the man dropped her. Alyssa landed, crying and grabbing at her wound, at the blood that was seeping out.

  "We've done enough," the scary woman said. "Let's go."

  Darkness swallowed her. Alyssa remembered nothing until she opened her eyes some time later. Her neck still hurt and she was lying in a bed under a light that was too bright. Her mother sat next to her along with her father. They both had bandages on their necks and her father hung his head. A man in a white coat stood behind them. Alyssa's mother was holding her hand.

  "But it's so rare," her mother said. "My daughter can't be turning."

  "It's my fault," her father said. "I gave her the gene."

  "One in five hundred cases turn when bitten," the doctor said in a flat voice. "I do believe it's genetic and rare. I'm sorry, but your husband and daughter are both in that one in five hundred."

  "What are my parents going to think?" her mother asked, clutching her hand harder.

  Alyssa felt too weak to lift her head or try to understand what the adults were saying. She felt sick. Her arms and legs tingled and the light above was too bright.

  "Please don't tell the authorities," her father begged the doctor. "Please. If you do call them, just tell them about me."

  "I won't call them," the doctor said and left the room.

  Alyssa tried to speak. Why did she feel so hungry and strange?

  But then her father left, checked the door to the hospital room, and returned. He scooped Alyssa up and pulled out an IV she didn't know was there. "Come on, Cindy. We're leaving and we're never coming back."

  Chapter One

  My day was going real great. First, I had probably bombed my Algebra test and there would be hell to pay when Dad found out about it. Second, the sun was out in full force and all I could do was fake a migraine and stand in the doorway of Cumberland High School while my friends, Maisha and Janine, got to go out and do soccer practice with all the other Normal girls. And third, there was a creepy guy standing at the gate to the football field, staring at me.

  I didn't notice the weirdo at first because I was busy stewing about my plummeting grade in math (again) and about the fact that I couldn't stand being out in the sun for more than five to ten seconds without getting really sick. Thank you, other creepy people who bit me and my family years ago. And thank you, rare gene that let their disease take hold.

  Janine kicked a killer goal and Coach Lancey blew her whistle and shouted something. She glanced at me, to my shadow sanctuary. I drew back, hiding from her glare. That was when I saw the guy, a kid who had to be around my age. He stood there, silent, leaning against the fence like he was totally comfortable in his leather trench coat, brimmed hat, and sunglasses. He was only about fifty feet away, not close enough to make me uncomfortable but close enough for me to know he was studying me hard. My vision was better than Normal eyesight but those sunglasses were so dark
that I felt like I was staring into a couple of black pits.

  Coach Lancey blew her whistle again. Over on the soccer field she waved at a couple of girls who were over on the perimeter, chatting away. I adjusted my own sunglasses to block out the unbearable light and checked the guy again.

  In the second I'd glanced away, he had moved closer.

  Much closer.

  As in, he now stood leaning against a traffic pillar only ten feet away. His arms were folded across his chest. He stood a full head taller than me. His face was smooth and young, unshaven. His hair, long and scraggly. I hadn't heard him take a step.

  No. I was not dealing with this right now.

  I hadn't met another Abnormal other than Dad since I was two and the fateful bite happened on that country road. We, no they were out there, staying out of sight of both the authorities and human society. Everyone knew that shifters, human magic users, and even demons existed among them, blending in the best they could or staying out of sight. Schools taught kids to stay away from them just like they warned against strangers and above all, to tell a grownup if they spotted an Abnormal. The human ones who had magic were okay some of the time, but it was the ones like me, the ones capable of preying on Normals or worse, infecting them--we were guilty without a trial. Losing your job, getting disowned by your family and turning into human society's punching bag were only the beginning.

  It was the reason I filed my canines down every morning.

  The guy continued to stare at me for what felt like an eternity. I couldn't tell what his motives were. I caught no whiff of metallic adrenaline pumping through his veins, which was always a strong scent. He was calm but he also wasn't going away. If I got into the shadows enough, I could try to fight the guy, but out in the sun I was too useless to even slap someone. I was stronger than the Normal girls, a fact I had to hide during practice, but I wasn't sure what I was doing here. I could fence but my equipment was at Thorne's Fencing School and that foil wouldn't do much damage anyway. I thought about running down the hall and hiding in a classroom but that would brand me as easy prey, so I stood there and stared back at the guy. I never let my secret out to anybody so I wasn't sure why he'd chosen me out of all the girls to eyeball.

  I was alone. Maybe that was it.

  "Do you have a problem?" I asked, licking my teeth to check that I really had filed them earlier. They were sharpening again like they always did later in the day but it wasn't that bad yet. “Or are you some kind of pervert? You're even dressed for the part.”

  The guy smiled at me and patted his trench coat. “Oh. You mean this. I know. Crappy impression but it's best if we hide, you know?”

  We hide.


  I looked around to make sure no one else was standing there. All clear. Coach Lancey had sent the two girls to sit on the bench and the others were running around the field again, kicking at the ball. They were so far away, across a forbidden field of light. I was trapped until I could bum a ride from Janine and hide under the official Fake Migraine Blanket until she drove me home.

  “Are you trying to do some cosplay thing?” I asked. “What character are you?” I scrambled for anything and to not sound all freaked out. "I had a friend at my old school who loved cosplay." I had to steer this conversation in another direction and fast.

  The guy stepped forward, keeping his sunglasses trained on me. The wind blew and the air got warm, almost crackling as he approached. The teachers always taught us that magic felt like that, to watch out for that sensation. He might be one of those humans who had it. Mages. There were supposed to be different kinds. “Alyssa,” he said.

  The world dropped out from under me.

  I hadn't heard my real name spoken anywhere but home since I was two, since Dad had brought me here to Washington after our bites and bought us new identities on the black market. Even he had started calling me Roslyn when I was five and the last time I heard my name spoken was when Mom called us to check in a couple of years ago.

  (Lucky Mom. She'd been bitten like Dad and I, but she didn't have the rare gene that made someone turn.)

  It was then, as I stood there in stunned silence, that I caught the full scent of Mr. Trenchcoat's blood. Adrenaline and stress were the strongest smells but most people gave off whatever they had eaten for lunch—I had to endure the afternoons in a cloud of greasy pizza, Mountain Dew and Cheetos—but this guy gave off the scent of wood smoke and something I couldn't identify. He was definitely human but I had never encountered anything like it.

  “Alyssa,” he repeated like he was trying to make it sink in.

  “Are you from the government?” I asked. I'd heard too many stories about Abnormals getting sent off to special therapy to become more “normal” and none about them ever coming back. “How do you know my real name? And by the way, it's still rude to stare.”

  “I...” the guy said. He stepped closer. “You can't hide much longer, Alyssa."

  I tried to come up with something to say to blow this whole creepy thing out of the water, but there was nothing this time. I felt naked, like this guy could see every flaw that was me. My disease. My secret that I hadn't dared utter to even myself for years.

  So I did the last thing I should have done. I backed away, searching around for a weapon. There was a dust bunny on the floor and someone's cell phone case by the lockers, smashed into pieces. If he attacked I'd have to use my fists.

  “Look,” I said. “I don't know how you know my real name but please. Someone could see you dressed all weird like this. You're standing out. And I'm not hiding."

  "You are. Every day." The guy looked up and down my body, checking out my legs and the shorts I had thrown on because I'd been too dumb to check the forecast this morning. “You know,” he said, flashing me a grin. “For such a hot girl, you're really missing a good tan. And not to mention, you should be skin and bones since you never eat anything at lunch. Or all muscle since you fence all the time. You're not on a liquid diet by any chance?"

  I had to act. This was dangerous and I needed answers. I lunged at the guy and grabbed the front of his trench coat. Now that I was more out of the sun I was stronger, strong enough to pull him towards me. I held him there with my left hand, pulling him closer and closer until I could feel his breath against my face. The wood smoke smell got overpowering now, so much that my stomach rumbled.

  I could hold my hunger back. I always managed it until I got to the freezer at home.

  “You've been watching me,” I said. “I suppose you peek in my windows and watch me undress, too?” That was impossible—or maybe not if he was some kind of Mage who could teleport. I always kept my blinds shut to keep out the sun and to hide...other things. But this guy had magic. I still hadn't worked out what he was capable of. Maybe he teleported into my closet every night and watched the show from there.

  The guy grinned. “I've thought about it, but—no, you don't have to hit me. I was just joking.”

  I lowered the hand I had raised. “Sorry. This is just a really tense situation for me. How much do you know?"

  "Well, I know now that you file your teeth. I was wondering how you blended in. You must really hate sunny days, though."

  He knew everything.


  A stranger knew the secret Dad and I had been working years to keep covered. Even if he was a fellow Abnormal, he might be one of the more acceptable ones--he was human--so this made the whole thing not cool. I'd heard stories about some Mages selling out worse Abnormals to the treatment centers to save their own skin.

  Or maybe he just wanted to talk. I needed answers and punching him wouldn't get me there.

  So I did something I wasn't sure I wouldn't regret. I let go of him.

  “Thanks,” he said, brushing off his coat. “Maybe we can get down to business now. Is there a room around here that's a little more private than this?” He gestured to the hallway, which remained empty except for the janitor lady rolling a trash can out of one of the foreign
language classes.

  The whistle blew from outside again and Coach Lancey yelled something else. Practice was still in session but not for much longer. “Okay,” I said. “Tell me how you know what I am. I have to meet my friend after practice and she needs to drive me home. Then I need to finish my Lit homework.”

  The guy looked at me like I was some kind of freak.

  "Your Lit homework? Most Abnormals don't have that problem." And he snickered.

  I felt naked. If Janine found him with me or worse, caught him teleporting, suspicion would go on me next. She'd wonder why the heck I'd been talking to an Abnormal. Already I hatched excuses in my mind.

  “In the conference room,” I said, pulling open a door nearby.

  The light was off in here which was a welcome relief. I guided Mr. Trench Coat inside and closed the door, leaving us in almost pitch darkness. I expected him to freak out, since he was in my element now, but he stayed calm. My eyes adjusted quickly and I could make out the conference table within two seconds, and then the phone on the table, and then the shelf with all the stuffy old books on the walls. Everything was gray in my night vision. I couldn't remember a time I'd been scared of the dark.

  Well, that fateful night. That was it.

  Mr. Trench Coat banged right into one of the chairs that I could clearly see. “Can we turn on the lights?” he asked.

  “No,” I said. “Someone might notice. Really. Not trying to be a jerk, but my friend Janine goes crazy when she thinks someone's making out somewhere."

  “I'm Xavier,” he said. “I'm a War Mage from Abnormals Underground.” He spoke like I should know what that was.

  “From where?” I asked. War Mages were some of the stronger ones and more in the class of Mages to be avoided. They were the kind known to shoot fireballs and roast their opponents and the media made them look like monsters waiting to happen. Maybe Xavier wasn't planning to sell me out to the government after all. A Nature Mage would have scared me more. The government was more likely to work with them.

  “You know,” he said, rubbing his elbow. “Abnormals Underground.”